Friday, December 29, 2006

Love is always born

Go your way now,
All shall be well.
Leave the day now
All shall be well.
Go into the darkness
Where the spark is,
Real and right and true.


Love is born
With a dark and troubled face;
When hope is dead
And in the most unlikely place;
Love is born;
Love is always born.

(Michael Leunig)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Friday, November 24, 2006

Puppet reaches enlightenment

when it pulls it's own strings

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Eat, shit, fuck, reproduce,

work hard, make the rich richer,
fuck the world,
until it fucks you back.

When shit sinks, you got trouble,

when lovers hide, you got miracle.

When there was change, there was time.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Once a mere survivor

then the bully of the planet
now reduced to mere number
chasing greed and ignorance
consuming own mother to death
with nowhere else to go
but within

Monday, November 06, 2006

By works the votary doth rise to faith,

And saintship is the ceasing from all works.

(Krishna, Bhagavadgita)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Memory is like a being

it is born out of action
it lives and expresses
and it dies and leaves a clue
when it loses integrity

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Friday, November 03, 2006

Mouth, nose

anus, genitals

Nothingness is a drum in tune

intent to respond to slightest touch
with infinite depth

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Religion shown in an act of proud display

To win good entertainment, worship, fame,
Such ---say I--- is of Rajas, rash and vain,

Religion followed by a witless will
To torture self, or come at power to hurt
Another, ---'tis of Tamas, dark and ill.

(Krishna, Bhagavadgita)

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Not I in them!

By Me the whole vast universe of things
Is spread abroad; ---by Me, the Unmanifest!
In Me are all existences contained;
Not I in them!

(Krishna, Bhagavadgita)

The devout soul

Four sorts of mortals know me: he who weeps,
Arjuna! and the man who yearns to know;
And he who toils to help; and he who sits
Certain of me, enlightened.
Of these four,
O prince of India! highest, nearest, best
That last is, the devout soul, wise, intent
Upon "The One." Dear, above all, am I
To him, and he is dearest unto me!

(Krishna, Bhagavadgita)

The ever-holy tree

Men call the Aswattha, ---the Banyan-tree,---
Which hath its boughs beneath, its roots above, ---
The ever-holy tree. Yea! for it's leaves
Are green and waving hymns which whisper Truth!
Who knows the Aswattha, knows Veda, and all.

(Krishna, Bhagavadgita, tr E.Arnold)

Being is touching

Monday, October 30, 2006

Gas, liquid, solid

vapor, water, ice
time, space, ?
gravity, mass, black hole
algebra, number theory, geometry
individual, family, species
light, charge, ?
intention, consciousness, memory
birth, life, death

Friday, October 27, 2006

+, 0, -

Female, Child, Male
White, Gray, Black
Hot, Mild, Cold
Red, Orange, Yellow
Left, Center, Right
Birth, Life, Death

May global warming unite humanity

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Let it be

do what you want to do
be what you want to be

(Beatles and the lyrics of a TV ad!)

Keepers keep away

Be like water

follow the path of least resistance

Passion knows the destination

wisdom knows the way

Monday, October 23, 2006

Saturday, October 21, 2006

In the beginning there was the word

and the word was;

Knowledge is the beginning

Knowledge is the beginning of action
and action the completion of knowledge (Wang Yang Ming)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

0, 1, infinity

Virgin Mary, Christ, God
Holy Ghost, Son, Father
Nothing, Something, Everything
Nothingness, Being, Time

Don't tame the beast

let it roam free to heart's content

Zero is the mother of all mothers

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Language is algebra, grammar is geometry

Consciousness is the mother of invention

Intention is the mother of invention,
consciousness is the mother of intention.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Opposite of opposite is self

Self of self is self,
opposite of opposite is self,
lateral of lateral is opposite.

Science is the study of uncertainty.

Lesser mind speaks the opposite.

Your innermost feeling is the truth.

The immune system is adaptive in many ways,
with techniques of assimilated predators.

Prey/Predator relationship ensures a competent local oscillating polarisation that rides it's environment.

Devil saw Angel on the mirror, and fell in love.

Universe is a being
Higgs is it's Measure
Light is it's Vision
Weak particles are it's Taste
Quark-Gluons are it's Touch
Leptons are it's Smell
Space-Time is it's Thought
Mass-Gravity is it's Love

At the door of every resource in life, a bully sits and charges duty.

Nothingness aint nothing

J.S.Bach, BWV 998

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. (Isaac Newton)

The laws of physics must be the same for all observers. (Albert Einstein)

Does the set of all sets that do not contain themselves contain itself? (Bertrand Russell)

For any formal theory in which basic arithmetical facts are provable, it is possible to construct an arithmetical statement which, if the theory is consistent, is true but not provable or refutable in the theory. (Kurt Godel)

Nothing is complete.

Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. (Ernst Haeckel)

Nothingness aint nothing.

Religion is love of self.

Self is within and without.

Pain makes pain,
pain makes pleasure,
pleasure makes pleasure,
pleasure makes pain.

Nothing like a happy cat.

The theory of everything is also the theory of nothing.

Shout starts with a whisper.

Duality, equally different, differently equal.

Black on black is no mark.

The chain of causality of the past extends to infinity, never to be broken.

Form defines content, content defines form.

The equivalence principle is the link between gravity and time.

Past reflects itself around present to make future.

Rythm is content in time, sound is content in space.

Music is form in change.

Life bonds birth to death.

When love is dead, hate also dies.

In the beginning there was nothing and everything at the same time. (Anonymous)

At the root of everything there is a probablity field of infinite bandwidth.

Slowdown your internal clock, thus abandon clutter.

Expression is an aspect of it's context.

Life explores all realms in its search for security.

Delayed egg laying led to pregnancy.

Egg is a fat embryo in a shell.

Preparation needs shelter.

The nucleus of a biological cell contains a chemical harmonic motion sustained by DNA.

Life is like a fire from cell to cell, never dead.

The motion in DNA is transferred to the motion in the brain.

Contained motion defines entity.

Our universe must have followed the simplest formalism in it's beginning, a number field.

Zero is where all dimensions interact.

Infinity meet at zero.

Language is the agent of society in our minds.

Music is the agent of nature in our minds.

Study of music is the study of creation.

Order is in chaos, chaos is in order.

Beyond horizon reflects before horizon.

If slow didn't, fast could never do.

Our universe is in a black hole in a higher universe.

Truth is within. (Anonymous)

The way is the destination. (Anonymous)

Less is more. (Anonymous)

When preachers become clowns, clowns become preachers.

Own interest shadows judgement.

Professional preacher is an imposter.

Professional soldier is a mercenary.

Politician sponsored by capitalists is a puppet.

Capitalists' bottomline is money.

Focus determines vision.

Present is distilled past.

Event horizon is the boundary of interaction.

Action sustains through harmony.

Black holes are tornados in space-time.

Lightnings are electrical tornados in atmosphere.

What you see is other's past and your future.

Get greedy and steal from your future.

When success becomes preoccupation, the occupation fails.

Satisfaction kills desire.

The moment you choose your own security over mine, you cease to be a friend.

Trust shadows judgement.

If you ignore your self for too long, you may never find it.

You have to drift to find your will.

We like greenery because that is where we come from.

State sponsored religion is no religion.

Capitalist sponsored state is no state.

Unity in multiplicity, multiplicity in unity.

The global village will start with the declaration of universal human and Gaia rights.

Every birth is a reincarnation of self.

We are the dreams of angels, and angels are the dreams of us.

A black hole is a more strongly interacting locality bounded by its event horizon.

Black hole becomes itself after shedding it's outer layer.

UN is a bully boys' club taken over by greed and ignorance.

Symmetry observes polarity.

Intra-reflection makes depth, inter-reflection makes breadth.

Fear creates hatred.

Our universe was once a huge sun in the mother universe.

Life is a dance of order and chaos.

Essence is meta form.

Individual is time, society is space.

Nothingness is bliss.

No environment can support endless growth.

Inwards is the way to the origins.

Full-time work is a waste of life.

Sage knows best when heshe does the most with the least. (Anonymous?)

All fall down the hills of nothingness.

My body is my house, my body's house is the universe.

In the beginning it was uncertain, and then there was J.S.Bach.

Observation distorts the observed.

Religious faith is deeply personal, not to make a show of.

Uniform is coward's hide-out and slave's prison.

Duality in uncertainty, uncertainty in duality.

Nothing is certain, nothingness is uncertain.

State sponsorship corrupted religion and pushed science to less fertile territory.

Religion with no science is ignorant, science with no religion is heartless.

Capitalist sponsorship corrupted state and pushed politicans into ignorance and subserviance.

We are the children of Mother Earth.

Mother Earth needs your help,
greed and ignorance are on the march yet again,
they are no shepherd, you are no sheep.

Self is within, self is without,
self is nothing, self is everything,
self is nothingness, self is uncertainty,
certainty is dead, long live uncertainty.

Science is wisdom of self,
religion is love of self,
intention is will of self,
art is balance of self.

Wisdom manifests itself in prediction,
love manifests itself in compassion,
will manifests itself in action,
balance manifests itself in grace.

Time is up!
Self back to the reigns!
All you need are wisdom, love and will, in balance.

Will is free.

Nothingness, an infinite drop in an infinite ocean.

Enforced education is oppression.

Enforced school is a concentration camp.

DNA predicts it's mutation parameters.

Build strength around your comfort zone, and extend your comfort zone to meet your difficulties.

The word "wild" demonstrates our relationship with nature.

Brain became centeralised to reduce the cost of interconnections.

Grammar evolved to economise on words.

Language is an expression of common consciousness.

Voicing started to strengthen body language,
rythm started to strengthen voicing,
melody started to strengthen rythm,
harmony started to strengthen melody.

Language and logic are abstractions of shout and whisper.

Anxiety is estimation of danger.

Entity is an aspect of it's past.

Outer possession increases insecurity.

Concentration of power is disintegration of common consciousness.

Uniformity is stagnation.

Prey make prey,
prey make predator,
predator make prey,
predator make predator.

Consumer make consumer,
consumer make capitalist,
capitalist make consumer,
capitalist make capitalist.

Consciousness is present memory,
memory is past consciousness.

Feel now and surf the reality.

Come, come again, whoever you are, come!
Heathen, fire worshipper or idolatrous, come!
Come even if you broke your penitence a hundred times,
Ours is the portal of hope, come as you are. (Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi)

Silence is the other sound.