Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Not I in them!

By Me the whole vast universe of things
Is spread abroad; ---by Me, the Unmanifest!
In Me are all existences contained;
Not I in them!

(Krishna, Bhagavadgita)

The devout soul

Four sorts of mortals know me: he who weeps,
Arjuna! and the man who yearns to know;
And he who toils to help; and he who sits
Certain of me, enlightened.
Of these four,
O prince of India! highest, nearest, best
That last is, the devout soul, wise, intent
Upon "The One." Dear, above all, am I
To him, and he is dearest unto me!

(Krishna, Bhagavadgita)

The ever-holy tree

Men call the Aswattha, ---the Banyan-tree,---
Which hath its boughs beneath, its roots above, ---
The ever-holy tree. Yea! for it's leaves
Are green and waving hymns which whisper Truth!
Who knows the Aswattha, knows Veda, and all.

(Krishna, Bhagavadgita, tr E.Arnold)

Being is touching

Monday, October 30, 2006

Gas, liquid, solid

vapor, water, ice
time, space, ?
gravity, mass, black hole
algebra, number theory, geometry
individual, family, species
light, charge, ?
intention, consciousness, memory
birth, life, death

Friday, October 27, 2006

+, 0, -

Female, Child, Male
White, Gray, Black
Hot, Mild, Cold
Red, Orange, Yellow
Left, Center, Right
Birth, Life, Death

May global warming unite humanity

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Let it be

do what you want to do
be what you want to be

(Beatles and the lyrics of a TV ad!)

Keepers keep away

Be like water

follow the path of least resistance

Passion knows the destination

wisdom knows the way

Monday, October 23, 2006

Saturday, October 21, 2006

In the beginning there was the word

and the word was;

Knowledge is the beginning

Knowledge is the beginning of action
and action the completion of knowledge (Wang Yang Ming)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

0, 1, infinity

Virgin Mary, Christ, God
Holy Ghost, Son, Father
Nothing, Something, Everything
Nothingness, Being, Time

Don't tame the beast

let it roam free to heart's content

Zero is the mother of all mothers

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Language is algebra, grammar is geometry

Consciousness is the mother of invention

Intention is the mother of invention,
consciousness is the mother of intention.