Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Causality reflects anti-causality

and locality reflects universality

at non-causality and non-locality
the mirror of nothingness


Anonymous said...

Causality reflects universality? That's very interesting. Do you think that music reflects universality? Simone Weil said that music starts from silence and goes back to it. The universe started from nothing and will eventually go back to it. We probably have the "Big Bang" followed by the "Big Crunch" towards nothingness, followed by another "Big Bang" and so on ..., but different every time. Could that be analogous to the different musical notes ... silence followed by a note followed by silence - each note different from the other.

I'm not sure what you mean by the second line.

akirabergman said...

I think music, being and universe obey essentially the same forms. I have some writing in my ATON, specially the Bach's Seal posting;


Locality and causality make the fundamental duality of existence. I think they are mediated by probability. And they all sit on their nothingness.

Anonymous said...

Are they really mediated by probability or is it just our limited intellects that don't allow us to know? I mean that the capacity of our minds is not unlimited. So we cannot know the infinite. Since "nothing" is something infinitely small, we would never know it.

By the way, cool blog mate.

akirabergman said...

Thanks mate.

I think randomness is related to free will. Without freedom to chose there is no point to anything. Of course there is no total freedom since the reality is a critical mix of order and chaos.

"Nothing" is a trancendental concept, like "everything". They form an inseperable duality. I think every being sits on it's own nothingness, which is only an approximation to nothing.

Anonymous said...

In that case, since there are multiple beings and multiple types of beings, and multiple musical pieces and multiple types of musical pieces, do you think it stands to reason that there may also be multiple universes? And if so, do they follow a kind of Darwinian natural selection where only the "fittest" universes can support life? Some high-profile cosmologists do believe this.

akirabergman said...

I imagine existence to be infinite in every direction of possibility. At the moment we dont know the possibilities too much. When we find out the symmetry of the universe, hopefully soon, it should show the way for further theorising.

But it is still possible to make guesses, since it is self similar at many scales like a fractal. Life is self similar in many scales and it is a subset of the overall existence. So it must be a good guide. I believe the universe is a being.

It seems the whole thing is amazingly and unimaginably big. Very exciting even to contemplate. Imagine how good it would be to have a star ship to go discovering like in Star Trek. I hope it becomes a reality during my life time.